DVD Review: The New Daughter

Posted: August 22, 2010 in Uncategorized
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John and his two children, a teen daughter Louisa and young son Sam move to a new home. The family needed a good change after having been left behind their wife and mother. Soon though Louisa begins to change for the worse. Her behaviors becoming more and more evident that more than just adolescent hormones are to blame.

This thriller follows the family as John uncovers the cause of his daughter’s transformation. Kevin Costner as John answers the question of how far a father is willing to go to protect his daughter.

The pace of the film is perfect to keep the suspense building as you watch Louisa unravel and give you clues to the cause.

Actual screen violence and gore are minimal, suitable viewing for young teens. If you like suspense The New Daughter is a must add to your list.

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